Anyone with the standard Monday to Friday, nine to five job will tell you that they do not like Mondays. Although it may be the beginning of a whole new week, it just feels like a repeat of the same monotonic telephone voices, tapping of keys and lukewarm cups of coffee. But deep down, we know we love our workplace and the people in it, mainly because our colleagues are our main form of motivation.
Here at Pertemps, we aim to keep our workforce as enthused and passionate about what they do at all times, and it’s all through following these simple tips…
Sometimes you may feel as though the days drag and the clock only ticks once every hour, but there are a number of ways that you can avoid workplace negativity and keep your motivation high.
Keeping busy
Employees usually lack motivation because they become bored easily, this being one of the most common factors of having a full-time job. To combat boredom, keeping busy at all times – even during quiet periods – is important.
- If you work in retail, is there any harm in restocking clothes in size order?
- If you work in an office, why not clean up your desktop and order those messy files?
- If you work in construction, the equipment is rarely clean during a shift – so give it a go!
Eventually you will find, all of the little jobs you avoid doing because they seem pointless, are actually the things that keep you motivated until the end of working day.
Break habits.
It is easy to pick up habits in the work place, so trying to avoid this is the best way to ensure your work days aren’t becoming too repetitive.
- Often people tend to order the same thing for lunch, have their breaks at specific times and drink copious amounts of caffeine at regular intervals, but by avoiding this you are taking yourself out of a routine and ensuring that every day is different to its predecessor.
Switching from task to task.
Working on the same thing all day can become tedious and draining, so if a project isn’t pressing against a deadline – take a step back from it.
- Leaving something alone and coming back to it with a fresh set of eyes will not only help to improve the piece, but help you stay motivated towards completing the task.
Are you sitting comfortably?
The main cause of losing motivation – especially in office based jobs – is not being correctly equipped. It may sound silly, but the way you sit during long shifts at work could affect your productivity. All work environments (that involve the use of computer work/using an office) should adhere to health and safety regulations which entitle you to a posture correcting chair that is structured to give you support during those long work days.
- If you work with computers, these should also be positioned correctly, displaying the right level of brightness to avoid eye strain.
Stay refreshed.
Got a headache? Have you been keeping hydrated? And no, those six cups of coffee before 10am do not count.
- One of the leading factors of motivational loss is through getting a headache caused by dehydration. If you begin to feel unwell at work, it is usually because you need a drink of something that will replenish you, not keep you awake for the next two weeks – so always make sure you have a bottle of water handy.
Communicating with others.
The best bit about work is the people you meet. Some jobs may mean you meet new people every day, and others may make you form a tight knit little group.
- Having friends in the workplace is one of the best forms of motivation because if you look forward to seeing your friends, in turn you look forward to going to work.
Take a break, when you take your break!
The motivation killer is staying at work when you don’t have to. A break is called just that for a reason, so when you are allocated one use that time to remove yourself from the working environment.
- Just like going back to a task with fresh eyes, getting away from work on a break will give you a chance to breathe before going back and carrying on with your day.
- Avoid eating lunch at your desk as it will make you feel as though you’ve had no break at all
- Try going for a stroll or visiting a staff communal area.
The important thing to remember is that each working day is only as long as what you make it. If you go to work with the right mindset of being enthusiastic and motivated, then the days will fly by and you’ll be left wondering where the week went. Your attitude and mood will not only have an impact on your own wellbeing, but that of others too!
Pertemps is dedicated to finding you the perfect position, so if you find that you cannot stay motivated in your current place of employment; maybe it is time for a career change. Click here to browse our latest vacancies.