Tackling A Job Interview If You Suffer From Anxiety

Posted 4 years ago •

For many of us anxiety is situational and temporary, however anxiety can impact a person’s daily routine. An interview can be a daunting time for anyone but if you suffer from anxiety, we have some tips for you!



Plan ahead

Prepare questions and read up on the company’s history to sell yourself as the only candidate for the role. File important paperwork such as certificates and references so that you can strengthen your case and be sure to schedule a holiday day as early as possible if you’re working.

Meditate to success

Consider meditation to help get into the right frame of mind. Mindfulness meditation focuses on being in the present and being aware of your feelings without being caught up in them. With an almost endless supply of videos, articles and apps to help you - meditation could give you the edge you need.

Practice makes perfect

The best part about an interview is that most of it can be prepared for ahead of time. You can be fairly sure of the kind of questions you’ll be asked and it’s a good idea to prepare your answers. Know your own CV inside out and be confident about expanding on any part of it.

Take your time

There is no time constraint in an interview so you can go at your own pace. Take your time, listen to the interviewer’s questions and think about your answers. It’s okay to take a brief pause and use the questions asked by the interviewer to gather your thoughts.

Ask questions

Although anxiety can put the breaks on talking confidently in an interview, it’s important to remember that an interview is not an exam and speaking when spoken to definitely doesn’t apply. An interview is the time to find out about the work culture, team members and the duties involved in the role, so ensure you have questions written down to avoid missing out on any vital questions. 

Reward yourself

Regardless of whether you think the interview was better or worse than you expected, the rest of the process is beyond your control. Nevertheless, you tackled it professionally so reward yourself!


Whether you’re gearing up for a second video interview or you’re writing a follow-up email and need a helping hand – we have tons of blogs to help you.

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