August 24, 2021
Pertemps Network Group and CBI are calling on businesses to participate in an annual employment trends survey to help shape strategies to overcome current skill shortages.
The CBI’s latest Industrial Trends Survey mirrors the scenario outlined by Pertemps Group Chair Carmen Watson last month. It found that manufacturers are suffering the worst stock shortages on record, with supply chains upended by escalating shipping costs and impact of the pingdemic on staffing levels.
So, it is now more important than ever to canvas expert opinion to steer recovery activity.
CBI’s and Pertemps Network Groups 2021 Employment Trends Survey (ETS), gives businesses the chance to inform strategic policy direction, helping to shape the government’s agenda at a crucial time in the wake of the Covid pandemic.
One of the longest-running surveys of its kind, the Employment Trends Survey provides an indicator of business forecasts across various issues relating to job, pay, competitiveness, diversity and inclusion and employment relations. Though this year pays particular attention to our economic recovery, with staff and supply shortages taking their toll and environmental issues, with the IPCC’s report calling a ‘code red’ for humanity.
The final report, due to be published in November, will provide an overview of the current employment landscape amongst businesses across all sectors on a national scale. CBI will use all the issues raised within the ETS and use these as a crucial indicator of strength of the UK economy, to inform policy decisions within government.
To take part in the CBI/Pertemps Network Group Employment Trends Survey 2021, go here.
To see the most recent report, go to