Importance Of “Cultural Fit” In The Hiring Process

Posted 5 years ago •

Cultural fit is crucial to the hiring process. It can change businesses work culture, achieving greater job satisfaction, more harmonious culture and productivity. More employees feel that a cultural fit is more important than salary.

But what does “cultural fit” mean? Cultural fit is a renowned buzzword within the recruitment industry. Though for recruiters it remains a concept that can be hard to define, but everyone is aware of when its missing.

Candidates might have a great skillset and valuable experience. But this candidate won’t be able to perform their best if they don’t fit in within the team or company culture. So, assessing cultural fit in the selection process has never been more vital. 

Cultural fit is associated with many positive outcomes. In 2005 meta-analysis by Kristof-Brown reported that employees who fit well with their organisation, colleagues and managers:

  • Enjoy greater job satisfaction
  • Identify more with their company
  • Are more likely to remain with the business
  • Are more committed
  • Display superior job performance

These findings highlight the importance of cultural fit for employee performance and retention. Numerous studies of cultural fit across the globe have identified the relationship between cultural fit and mental physical health.

Employees who are satisfied within their job, who embrace company culture and values are often more engaged, perform better and are more likely to stay longer in your company. They work better with others, boost team morale and assist with your future recruiting efforts by being your own company ambassadors.

So how do we assess the cultural fit of a candidate?

There are many ways to hire for cultural fit. One of the easiest is adding cultural fit interview questions within your standard interview questions.

Certain interview processes can help obtain a candidates cultural fit by observing them in different situations; for instance, by taking them on tour around the office and getting them to interact with some of the employees. Your own employees will be able to recognise if candidates have the behaviours and values consistent with your business.

Employers should consider other methods and tools that can help identify cultural fit. Employers are beginning to use psychometric tests or other external examinations to assess candidates’ cultural fit. The interview process does not have to be addressed directly, for example by posing situations you can observe candidate’s response and see how it aligns with your organisations culture and values. Businesses need to be applying culturally responsive assessment tests to avoid biases (conscious or subconscious) and embrace diversity.

Cultural fit is essential, but it’s important to remain flexible and open-minded to higher the chance of finding the candidate your company needs. Businesses need to consider an individual’s “contribution” rather than how they fit into the culture, as culture can allow people to reach their full potential with the support of their workplace and HR.

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