Blagging Your Way Into A Job - The Right Way

Posted 7 years ago •

Sshhh! Whisper it quietly but blagging your way into a job is acceptable.

There. We said it.

First, let’s explain what we mean:

We’re not saying it’s okay to blatantly lie about skills, experience or qualifications. That’s illegal. And you’d probably get found out on your first day when your boss discovers that you don’t know the first thing about brain surgery. It’s doubtful the patient would be too happy either…

No; what we’re saying is that you can convince any potential employer that you are the best person for the role by showing guile, confidence and a sense of self-worth that may otherwise be alien to you in in your daily life.

Don’t believe us? Here’s the acceptable (and highly legal) way of using the art of the blag to land you a job that you never thought was in your reach.

Aim high people…. 

Dress like you mean business

So what if your usual choice of clothing is a pair of joggers and your boyfriend’s oversized t-shirt? Your future employer doesn’t need to know that. You may only own one suit that you wore to a Christening in 1997 but dig it out, dust it down and polish those shoes. Step into that interview with a bounce befitting of John Travolta in Night Fever. Look the part. Own that interview. Then head home and slip back into your fat pants.

Blag your confidence

We all suffer from nerves. Especially before an interview or when popping in to chat to a recruitment consultant. And if you’re somebody who isn’t full of self-confidence, it’s not so easy just to change overnight. However, the art of blag can come in handy here. You’re not a fraud – you wouldn’t have got this far if you were. Be bright, get noticed, put yourself forward and be an expert in your field of work. Blag it until you mean it: adopt a strong, conscious and articulate approach and you’re off to a flyer.

Blag your company knowledge

Let’s face facts: the only person who knows about the company you’re applying for in great depth is the interviewer. You may have only heard about the company when the recruitment consultant dropped a note in your inbox. But a good few hours’ research online and, through speaking to people in the know, can make you a whizz on company facts in no time at all. Do your research properly and you’ll pull off this blag easily.

Realise your own potential!

Don’t start your job search in a frame of mind that says ‘I haven’t done this before so I’m not worthy.’ Go into your search believing in your own potential. Blagging doesn’t have to be cunning or deceptive. It is actually getting what you want (and deserve) through the art of persuasion. Be audacious, take risks and show the kind of grit and determination that any employer would want on their books.

Remember folks; no challenge should be faced without a little charm and a lot of style!


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