Temporary work is a job seeker’s marmite; you either love it or loathe it. Despite your viewpoint, temp work can provide a great buffer between roles, provide skills to the less experienced, such as graduates, and open doors that were not there previously.
At Pertemps we have a reputation for providing a multitude of opportunities for temporary work. If you’re misunderstood about the nature of being a temp, read how we challenge the misconceptions and discuss the many benefits that it has to offer…
Any employer knows that a temporary worker worth their salt will be actively looking and gain a permanent opportunity eventually. As long as you are completing your daily duties, you should be granted the opportunity to attend an interview or discuss an opportunity on your lunch break.
Remember to act accordingly when dealing with new opportunities. Give your employer and agency enough notice and keep them abreast of anything that may affect you completing your work.
This is a very big misconception but understandable when approaching temp work for the first time. As a temporary worker you have Worker’s Employment Rights the day you start work. After 12 weeks, you qualify for the same rights as someone who is employed directly. If you’re concerned about this, you can see these rights broken down here.
Additionally, if you work through Pertemps, you have the support of your consultant. If you are concerned with your work assignment, make sure to stay in touch and ask them any questions you may have.
On the contrary - you may possibly be in the best position for permanent work. Treat the temporary assignment as a trial period and prove how capable you are to the employer. You can bet when a permanent opportunity opens up you’ll have a head start to other candidates.
Nowadays, it is very common for people to move from place to place. Employers will see the value in the skills gained from temporary work and being able to work flexibly. If you are concerned, make clear on your cover letter you are keen to find somewhere to settle and this will clear any doubt in their head.
As the old saying goes, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. See time spent as a temp as building connections and opening doors for the future. Keep in touch with colleagues through LinkedIn and ask for recommendations from former management.
Temporary work could be just the ticket if you are searching for a job, want to build up your experience or need a flexible opportunity.
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