How To Beat The Post-Christmas Blues

Posted 7 years ago •

Going back to the grind after the Christmas period can be a drag. It might be a welcome relief from the tinsel and leftover turkey sandwiches at home for some, but for others it means back to dark, early mornings and traffic jams. There’s no need to worry post-Christmas this year though; we’ve got some blues-busting tips ready to raise your spirits after the festivities are over.




Have fun

After the excitement of Christmas is over, it’s easy to feel down now there isn’t much look forward to. Plan a trip away, a night out or an activity you’ve always wanted to try so you have something fun to focus on. Little things like going to the pub at lunch with your colleagues will help to break the day up. Make January a good month, a time to take on new challenges and conquer your New Year’s resolutions.

Get active

Why not make 2018 the year you actually use that gym membership for more than two weeks? It sounds cliché, but getting active helps to lift spirits and will make you feel better about yourself after gorging on cheese boards for three weeks straight. Put down the Quality Street, throw on your trainers and get those endorphins flowing. We promise it’ll be worth it in the long run, plus getting fit will give you something to focus on.



Deep cleanse

No, we don’t mean have a relaxing facial (but carry on if that’ll make you feel good!). We mean have the sort of cleanse that changes your life! It’s time to get rid of all the old, unnecessary stuff lying around in your house/car/office/desk. A cluttered home or workspace equals a cluttered mind. So, to make sure you are working to your best ability, throw out old files, notes, magazines and apple cores. You’ll feel more productive and happy in no time.


We know it’s tempting to bury your sorrows under a pile of junk food and live off leftover roast chicken and Toblerone for the first few weeks in January. However, resist the temptation to become a human bin and get back on the health train. Your body is probably crying out for some vitamins after all the Christmas delights, so try some mood-boosting foods such as wholegrains, nuts and fruit. Omega-3 fatty acids are good too and can help lift depression, so eat oily fish or flaxseeds and you should feel the benefits.



New job

If the thought of going back to your job is really getting you down, it might be worth considering whether it’s time for a change. The New Year is the best time to mix things up a bit, so get on the Pertemps job search page and find a new role for 2018 today. It might just be the best decision you make all year!   

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