6 Ways To Make Your New Year Work Resolutions Stick

Posted 6 years ago •

Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution and failed to follow through? Us too. Don’t beat yourself up about it! Everyone is keen to reinvent themselves in some way in the New Year as it brings new energy and promise. Whether your goal is to start a new job, get a promotion, have more responsibility or perhaps socialise more with work colleagues, we’re here to help you stick to those resolutions and make the most of 2020.



Be realistic

While becoming the CEO of a big corporate company is a goal, it’s important be to realistic. Instead, strive for a goal that is attainable and look at how you would realistically fit your objectives within your lifestyle. For example, if you’re keen to take on more responsibility at work, ask your manager for small assignments to begin with to find your feet.


Don’t sweat the small stuff

No one ever achieved anything great the first time round so don’t worry if you don’t nail it straight away. For example, if you’re looking for a new job, you might send off your CV and not hear anything back straight away – keep your chin up and remember - everything will come in time!


Keep track of your progress

To maintain focus and enthusiasm it’s important to keep note of how you’ve achieved your goals so far. Try keeping track of small successs, such as updating your covering letter or registering with a recruitment agency. Short-term goals  are much easier to keep, so instead of focusing on that promotion – focus on the small tasks required to get there.


Take steps instead of leaps

Closely related to number four, it’s important to break up your overall goal into achieveable steps. If your New Year’s resolution is to ace the job interview at your dream company, take the necessary steps to achieve it. Start by making a list of questions to ask, look at cleaning up your social media profiles and start doing some background company research.


Share your goals

Sharing your objectives with your nearest and dearest is an important step  when it comes to sticking to your New Year’s resolutions. Generally, people are more likely to achieve goals after sharing them with others because they receive extra support when needed.


Reward yourself

Don’t be afraid to celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you like which doesn’t contradict your resolution. However, if your resolution is to eat healthier, maybe don’t treat yourself to a huge bag of crisps and five doughnuts... Give yourself a small reward whenever you achieve a sub-goal, as this will help keep you motivated and give you a sense of progress.


If you’re keen to make a change in your work life but don’t know where to start, here are five of our favourite tips you can steal:

  1. To be more productive in your current role
  2. Read one career-related or motivational book
  3. Commit to creating one new professional networking connection per month
  4. Attend more work socials
  5. Find a job that matches your interests and skillset


Are you still looking for that perfect job? With over 200 branches across the UK and opportunitites available in every sector, you never know what is around the corner! Get in touch with one of our local branches to find the right job for you today.

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