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How has the Average Prison Operational Support Grade annual salary changed in the last 2 years?
The average annual salary for a Prison Operational Support Grade is £39,500. Salary estimates are based on jobs posted to Pertemps for Prison Operational Support Grade jobs.
Operational support grades support the day-to-day management and running of prisons, working to keep establishments safe and secure around the clock. They work in a close-knit team to carry out a range of support services.
There are no formal academic requirements for entry, but candidates must pass a pre-entry test and full medical examination. Basic training is followed by a 12 month probationary period during which further on-the-job training is provided. Background checks are required for entrants, and there are generally nationality restrictions and a lower age limit of 18 years.
Salaries from this search have been calculated using current and historical roles, which have been advertised with Pertemps in the last 2 years. Data is updated in real time as jobs are posted, and the search results calculate averages of all job posts that fit the role category.
Salary comparison results are intended as a rough guide only. Actual salaries may vary based on qualifications, experience, location and company type. Salary figures do not include bonuses or benefits.
We do not collect your salary information, this is only used for the page to provide you with enhanced information. Weekly pay is calculated by dividing the annual salary by 48 working weeks.
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