Will we ever go back to the working culture before the pandemic?

Posted 1 year ago •

May 18, 2023 

The pandemic has accelerated the move to hybrid working and a change in working cultures. Among the younger generations especially, there is now an expectation that at least some homeworking is part of their roles.

The changes require a solution-based approach to address the challenges and opportunities they present. Here are some examples:  

  1. Flexibility: Employers should embrace flexibility in terms of working hours, location and practices. This can include the option to work from home, flexible working hours, job-sharing and part-time work. Employers should also consider offering colleagues the ability to choose their work arrangements, enabling them to work in a way that best suits their individual circumstances provided it can be aligned with the needs of the business.
  2. Technology: Technology has been essential to facilitating remote working, and employers must continue to invest in it to ensure employees can work effectively from any location. Employers should also ensure that they provide the right training and support for employees to effectively use new technology.
  3. Mental Health Support: Businesses must prioritise the mental health and wellbeing of their colleagues. This includes providing access to mental health support and training managers to recognize signs of stress or anxiety.
  4. Collaboration: Collaboration between employers, colleagues, and other stakeholders is essential to addressing the challenges of the changing work culture. Employers should work closely with employees and unions to understand their needs and concerns and develop solutions that work for everyone.
  5. Learning and Development: With new technologies and working practices emerging, learning and development will become increasingly important for employees to keep up with changing demands. Businesses should invest in training and development opportunities to support employees in developing the necessary skills.
  6. Inclusion: The shift towards hybrid working also presents an opportunity to build a more diverse and inclusive workforce. Employers must take steps to address any biases and ensure that all employees have equal access to opportunities for career development and advancement.
  7. Communication: Clear and consistent communication is essential for a successful shift in work culture. Employers should communicate regularly with their employees and be transparent about the reasons for changes in work practices.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the move towards hybrid working and a change in working cultures. With employees now expecting some kind of homeworking to be included in their roles, companies need to adapt quickly to remain competitive. By embracing these changes, companies can create more flexible, employee-focused working cultures that promote productivity, job satisfaction and employee wellbeing.



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